event organized with the occasion of the SCR’s 130th Anniversary
THURSDAY, September 8th
- 14:00 - Registration at the official desk at the Bucharest Novotel Hotel.
- 19:30 - Official Cocktail of SCR’s Foundation for the foreign delegations, guests and national authorities.
The official cocktail will be offered by the Foundation’s Founding President.
- 20:30 - A private official dinner gala will be offered by the Founding President of the Foundation
in honour of the foreign delegations chiefs of staff and lecturers.
FRIDAY, September 9th
- 09:00 - Registration for the World Conference.
- 10:00 - World Conference on “Civilizations and the Welfare of the Human Family”.
Location: Historic Palace of Bucharest.
- 10:15 - Welcome message of the Foundation’s Founding President.
- 10:45 - Presentation of the World Conference by a Romanian high official and
Romania’s welcome message to all the attendees.
- 11:00 - Coffee break
- 11:20 - 13:00 - World Conference on “Civilizations and the Welfare of the Human Family” (1st session)
- 13:30 - Lunch
- 15:00 - 16:30 - World Conference on “Civilizations and the Welfare of the Human Family” (2nd session)
- 16:30 - 16:50 - Coffee break
- 16:50 - 19:00 - World Conference on “Civilizations and the Welfare of the Human Family” (3rd session)
- 20:15 - Departure from Novotel Hotel to the Cortina Club
- 20:30 - Dinner gala in honour of the World Conference attendees. Place: Club Cortina, in the northern
outskirts of Bucharest on the lake. Attendees will have the chance to make contact with the
Romanian cuisine and cultural traditions.
- 23:00 - 0:00 - Departure to the Novotel Hotel.
SATURDAY, September 10th
- 09:30 - 11:00 - World Conference on “Civilizations and the Welfare of the Human Family” (4th session)
- 11:00 - 11:30 - Coffee break
- 11:30 - 13:00 - World Conference on “Civilizations and the Welfare of the Human Family”
(Briefing and conclusions of the World Conference)
- 13:30 - Lunch
- 19:30 - Departure from Novotel Hotel
- 20:00 - Official dinner gala at the BNR CLUB (official Club of the National Bank of Romania)
Subjects of the World Conference:
- Buddhist Civilization
- Hindu Civilization
- Pre-Columbian Civilizations
- Islamic Civilizations
- Judeo-Christian Civilization
- (Synthesis of the) African Civilizations